The Best Gift You Can Give To Your Children

self-love-illustration_w Warm holiday seasons greetings! This is the time of year we are giving and receiving gifts to and from those we love and appreciate. As parents, our love is expressed in so many ways, given to our children and family first, that we often forget to extend that same nurturing love and appreciation to ourselves. We believe with all our heart that by far, the greatest gift you can give your little people is to nurture yourself first. How can focusing on yourself be a gift for your kids? Your growing children are plugged into you. You are the physical and emotional hub that keeps them charged and regulated. If you are not going through your day feeling physically and emotionally full, the result is that they will feed off that and be out of sorts. We found that if we wanted cooperation and connection with our little ones, we had to take the time to prioritize ourselves, first. For those of us who practice this on a regular basis know that the results are immediate and habit forming. If you haven't gotten there yet, don't force it, take it in stride, and go with the flow. There will be moments throughout the day, or perhaps before getting out of bed in the morning, to make a conscious decision to mentally give yourself a warm hug, and a promise to smile at yourself when passing the mirror. Think kind thoughts and words of appreciation and encouragement that you usually give your child but remember to send some in your direction as well. You'll be nurturing your child and yourself at the same time. Begin with taking 10-15 minutes a day, to just stop, sit, close your eyes, quiet your mind, breathe deeply and plug into your core comfortable self. Let the corners of your mouth turn upward. Nothing more, nothing less. Just sit, relax, and let it all go. Love and nurture yourself first. Everything else will be there waiting for you when you return. How do you nurture yourself throughout the day?

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