Review Copies

Media Inquires and Review Copies

Working media can request a review copy of How We Became a Family by contacting us here. 

Remember to allow 5-7 days for delivery via USPS.

For high res. jpg files please allow 24 hrs or call (602) -790-4009

Before you reply in the message below, please include the following: 

Which Version of the book would you like to review?

  • Egg Donor - Twins
  • Egg Donor - Singleton 
  • Sperm Donor - Singleton
  • Sperm Donor - Twins 

What Format of the book would you like to review:

  • Hard copy (include your shipping address and phone in message below)
  • E-Book PDF download

Are you a clinic or doctor's office interested in wholesale?

  • Wholesale prices 50% off retail price with minimum order of 8 books

Please answer the above questions in the message area below.